Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm ready to go

I started packing my house a couple of months ago. It's funny, Mr. B. usually tells me if I have an idea that's hair-brained or something he thinks I shouldn't do. And usually, it frustrates me. This time, he let me start packing the house back in the summer. He knew we weren't financially ready to make the move and he hadn't begun his job search, but for some reason he let me pack our cold-weather clothes.

I left out the items suitable for fall (except for my Peyton Manning jersey, and I was sad when I had to unpack it and realized we were nowhere close to being ready to move.), but packed the heavy winter stuff.

I packed vases, photos and other non essential household items.

Now what I want to know is: where the hell were his admonishments about half-cocked ideas then?

I started packing because I wanted to be able move at a moment's notice. And I thought it might have worked.

I had a phone interview a couple of days ago. They asked if I would be able to come to Clearwater for a face-to-face interview. I explained that I was able to come at a moment's notice.

Well, they can't be bothered to return my phone call or email. What the hell is wrong with people?

Whatever. I guess I'm starting over.

I'll post the name of the hotel if I, in fact, don't receive the return phone call.

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