Monday, November 3, 2008

So long, Coach.

Since the day I stepped foot on UT's campus, Phillip Fulmer has been my coach. I never played football, although I am among the few "outsiders" who has had the pleasure of walking on Shields-Watkins field (although not in the checkerboard). But he's the only coach I've known.

People may think we're weird to celebrate 10 years since winning the national championship, but it was arguably the best thing to happen to our program. And people may think
Coach Fulmer leaving is the best thing to happen to the team.

You know what they say about opinions.

It's funny to me how, in a situation like this, it's almost like he's dead. A week ago I was cussing about losing games, now I feel like I'm mourning the loss of a family member. It's sort of like the saying, "You don't know what you have until it's gone."

Only time will tell if that saying is true.

I'm tired of losing football games, but I'm sad to see a Tennessee hero leave on such a down note.

Thanks for the memories, Coach.

Good luck.

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